- Country
- Indicator
*For Ireland, please note that data prior to 2011 is an estimation based on mortgage approvals, and must thus be used with caution.
*In Poland, the data for 2012 concerns only the dwellings of the secondary market and excludes single family houses.
*In Croatia, the number refers to new dwellings only.
*In Cyprus, the number refers to properties sold and transferred
*In Denmark, the number excludes self-build dwellings but covers second homes.
*In Belgium, the number includes only transaction on second hand houses.
*In the Netherlands, the number includes commercial transactions also.
*In Romania, the number includes commercial transactions also.
*In Portugal, the number covers only urban areas including commercial transactions.
*In Japan, the number of second hand dwellings purchased between January and December of the indicated years.
Basic data
Per 100,000 inhabitants
Per 1,000 km2 area
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