Data-only mobile broadband basket | USD per month |
Entry-level data-only mobile-broadband basket. Combined time series data: from 2013 to 2017, the basket is composed of the cheapest post-paid, computer-based plan for a USB/dongle providing at least 1 GB of monthly data using at least 3G technology; from 2018 to 2020, the basket refers to the cheapest mobile broadband plan providing at least 1.5 GB of monthly data using at least 3G technology; from 2021, the basket refers of the cheapest mobile broadband plan providing at least 2 GB of monthly data using at least 3G technology.
Average: 4,31 USD per month
Countries: 199
Entry-level data-only mobile-broadband basket. Combined time series data: from 2013 to 2017, the basket is composed of the cheapest post-paid, computer-based plan for a USB/dongle providing at least 1 GB of monthly data using at least 3G technology; from 2018 to 2020, the basket refers to the cheapest mobile broadband plan providing at least 1.5 GB of monthly data using at least 3G technology; from 2021, the basket refers of the cheapest mobile broadband plan providing at least 2 GB of monthly data using at least 3G technology.
Basic data
Percent of average wage
USD per month