Средние выбросы CO2 на километр от автомобилей, грамм/км | Страны - Официальные данные
The indicator is defined as the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per km by new passenger cars in a given year. The reported emissions are based on type-approval and can deviate from the actual CO2 emissions of new cars. In the monitoring for cars and vans, emissions data are reported using the ‘New European Driving Cycle’ (NEDC) protocol until 2019, using both protocols NEDC and the ‘Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure’ (WLTP) in 2020 and only WLTP protocol from 2021.
Average: 103,86 grams per km
Countries: 29
The indicator is defined as the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per km by new passenger cars in a given year. The reported emissions are based on type-approval and can deviate from the actual CO2 emissions of new cars. In the monitoring for cars and vans, emissions data are reported using the ‘New European Driving Cycle’ (NEDC) protocol until 2019, using both protocols NEDC and the ‘Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure’ (WLTP) in 2020 and only WLTP protocol from 2021.
Only new passenger cars
Basic data
grams per km