Стоимость импорта овощей и фруктов, долл. | Страны - Официальные данные
Includes raw milk of cattle, raw milk of sheep, skim milk of cows, whey powder, butter of cow milk, butter and ghee of sheep milk, cream fresh, ghee from cow milk, ghee from buffalo milk, whole milk powder, skim milk (condensed), skim milk (evaporated), whole milk (condensed), whole milk (evaporated), other dairy products.
Most countries report export values as Free-On-Board (FOB. i.e. insurance/transport costs are not included). While many countries report their trade values directly in US dollars, others report in national currencies. These national currency values are converted into US dollar equivalents using the annual average "RH" rates supplied by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Total: 353,47 bil USD
Countries: 195
Includes raw milk of cattle, raw milk of sheep, skim milk of cows, whey powder, butter of cow milk, butter and ghee of sheep milk, cream fresh, ghee from cow milk, ghee from buffalo milk, whole milk powder, skim milk (condensed), skim milk (evaporated), whole milk (condensed), whole milk (evaporated), other dairy products.
Most countries report export values as Free-On-Board (FOB. i.e. insurance/transport costs are not included). While many countries report their trade values directly in US dollars, others report in national currencies. These national currency values are converted into US dollar equivalents using the annual average "RH" rates supplied by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Basic data
Per month
Per day
In constant 2015 dollars
In local currency
Share of merchandise import
Share of GDP
Net import