Data and statistics you can trust
Over 500,000 datasets for 200+ countries, regions and organizations
Data visualization
Our visualization will give a better understanding
Statistics for whole period of data collection

This Data from primary sources are presented in an understandable way

  • Data output by regions, subregions, unions
  • Getting data on dozens of specified metrics
  • Output of annual sum and percentage change data
Statistics for all countries monitored

The data are displayed on an interactive world map

  • Ability to display data for a specific set of countries
  • Output of basic data, shares and changes
  • Different types of maps
Raw material and commodity datasets

Statistical data on production, exports and imports of goods

  • Data output by groups and selected products
  • Many options for aggregating data by different parameters
  • Display data for any region and organization
Financial performance of public companies

Capitalization, revenue, profit of 30000+ companies

  • Data from official quarterly and annual reports
  • Ability to get data in different currencies
  • Comparison of indicators and companies

The information is now even closer
All data is available in the mobile app

Our mobile application provides instant access to a huge amount of information on country, regional and association indicators.

300,000+ datasets
200+ countries
350+ indicators
1,000,000+ graphics